…of Villains and the Unimpressed

Clark (from The Wakefield Doctrine) and I are writing a multi-part Six Sentence Serial Story called … of Heroes and the Misunderstood. This post isn’t exactly part of the story, but follows on from this part that was published over on Clark’s site.

Bubblegum sat at the corner table in the restaurant of the Elixir Spa Resort Hotel and Leisure Complex, taking alternative spoonfuls from the knickerbocker glory and banana longboat she had on the table before her, when both double doors fiercly flung open, inwards, and The Lady marched through seconds afterwards, stomping her heels beneath her full length black leather gown. She glared over at Bubblegum, walked to the counter, snatched a sweet dessert (a slice of pineapple upside down cake), stomped over to Bubblegum’s table, slammed her plate down, dragged out her chair and threw herself down into it… she then got up again, stomped back over to the counter, grabbed a fork from the cutlery tray (sending a couple of others over the carpeted floor), stomped back, and sat down again, still glaring.

Bubblegum silently took a small mouthful of knickerbocker glory as she watched The Lady’s lips purse as her angry expression changed from the level five it was at when she first sat down, to the ten that accompanied her reddening face as she said, voice full of breath, ‘who does she think she is… do you know her… how dare she speak to me in such a way… does she not know who I am… how dare she…!?’

‘Who are you talking about…,’ Bubblegum asked, taking a small mouthful of banana long boat, ‘and do you not think a large gin and tonic will work better than that sponge cake?’

‘That… woman,’ The Lady shovelled a large piece of cake into her mouth, chewed it well, swallowed, seemed to calm down to a level two, and then continued, ‘it’s upside down cake, dear, pineapple, and I was referring to that woman the Apostrophe wants to join the team… Rue Midnight… vile creature.’

‘Oh, Rue DeNite…’ Bubblegum chuckled as she had another spoonful of knickerbocker glory, her eyes still locked on The Lady’s expression, ‘Moonbeam says she’s really nice when you get to know her… she has an interesting personality…’; The Lady closed her eyes as her crimson face took her expression of anger up to fifteen.

Posted for Six Sentence Stories. Denise’s prompt word this week is Tonic.

13 responses to “…of Villains and the Unimpressed”

  1. clark avatar

    (Don’t tell anyone…) but even though I’m late making the rounds I saw your thumbnail (picture and title) and immediately clicked down here.

    The heck with the mini-blackhole/doomsday app that Mooncross Induistries is cooking up in their high-energy labs or Cyrus-‘I didn’t-fight-in-the-Crusades-I-started-them‘ St. Loreto or even Anya Claireaux I totally just put the popcorn in the microwave and drew my desk chair up…

    excellent installment, Tom

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks Clark… I think I’ll include this in the collection, but as an interlude!


  2. Spira avatar

    What Clark said.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      Just more characters to throw into the mix, Nick! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Frank Hubeny avatar

    I can see The Lady doesn’t like Rue, but I guess that was after their phone call in an earlier episode by Clark. I thought Rue was on the team already, but there are many teams with many agendas.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Yes, that phone call pushed The Lady’s nose out of joint, Frank!
      In the beginning of this story, Moonbeam went to recruit Rue into the Co-ordination of Supervillains, but they ended up forming their own team for this little adventure.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Misky avatar

    I love the way you’ve portrayed the emotions of anger and frustration and caution in this instalment. So enjoyable.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, M. It’s the characters! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Chris Hall avatar

    All good, well mostly. At least all those puddings were lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      They were, Chris. I couldn’t believe it when they made me write about them!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. messymimi's meanderings avatar

    Now that you mention it, Rue does have the inner make-up of a good supervillain.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      She does… but I have a feeling she likes to do things on her own terms!


  7. […] However, most previously from us (in which Rue and Moonbeam drive to Mooncross Headquarters)   and    …from Tom. […]


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