
Be open to receiving the messages around; a flash of light, a cat’s mew, or a new scent may cause you to look in a different direction, which in turn could enable you to see a new window of opportunity opening before you.

22 responses to “Open”

  1. Visionkeeper avatar

    Good one TL….I so believe in messages. They are always there for us to see, but if we are not paying attention we miss them and our journey may take a wee bit longer and maybe even more difficult than it should have been because we missed the message. Thanks! I’m leaving off a link I was listening to this morning by someone I watch quite often. He usually is posting about the train derailments, toxic explosions going on etc. but in this one he is showing all about AI art….While I detest AI and would love to see it go away, I did find this interesting and thought of you……VK 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, VK. 🙂
      I saw an advert the other day about spreading my wings, which resonated with me, so I’ve attached a pair of ethereal wings to my shoulders, which I use to stretch or flap or wrap around whenever I notice my mind running away from me. They bring me back to the present very effectively!
      Thanks for the link. The artwork is impressive. As a tool for creating art based on the artist’s words, it’s really good, but as he says, it can be manipulated into propaganda, and I can see that in some of the artwork that’s already been created (although, I do like the look of that, too! 😊) The fact that we have to pay to use it is a bit of an issue for me right now, I’d rather there be a trial version so I can see how it works without just jumping in! I searched for free, open-source online AI art tools and checked out a few sites that gave one trial before asking for credits before allowing me to view the created artwork. So that put me off as well.
      I’ll keep looking into it, though. As for a starting point for some creations, it’s quite a promising tool.
      Sorry for the lengthy reply!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Visionkeeper avatar

        Well you’ve got to consider the same fools that brought us AI in it’s unfortunate form are the same people pushing their products so of course they want money….That is all they think about….Money, money, money….Well sometimes its Russia, Russia, Russia lol…..I’m sure you’ll find something to use that will not charge…The possibilities are endless it seems….Have fun playing with it all…Just stay focused in THIS reality please. We are not coming to look for you if you stray away into fake worlds…
        Happy spring weekend…VK 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom avatar

          Thanks, VK, I’ve found a site that gives out credits if work is created daily, so I don’t get charged if I do that, and, if I create just one image at a time, that doesn’t use any credits… I’ve created a few (hundred!) images already. It swallows time, and not all the images are spot on, but they’re good enough to tweak. I need to try to see how it works, though. It says the generated images are free to use, but some have obscured signatures on them, which raises a few questions. I’ve used one of the creations on my latest post! 😏

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Visionkeeper avatar

            That’s cool…Sounds like you’re settling right in to the whole process….Can’t wait to see what you and AI come up with!!!! VK 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Tom avatar

              It’s quite comical, actually. It has problems with hands, feet, and faces. When I work out whether the images are indeed copyright free or not, I’ll create an out-takes post… just for information, obviously! 🙂


  2. Frank @ Beach Walk Reflections avatar

    Oh my. I like this one. Messages come in many forms, and your image captures the mystery of the source.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Frank. The image is based on the third eye and crown chakras, which provide access to the source. Pleased you like it. 🙂


  3. ladysighs avatar

    It is unavoidable. Even when one says, “I’m not going to let this influence me,” it already has. That’s what the five senses are for. It may not happen immediately but years later.
    Ten years from now I’ll probably be saying,”I remember Timid Tom on WP. He made me write the silliest comments.” 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Timid Tom just fell about laughing, Ladysighs! 🤣 He’s pointing out that he has no influence over your comments whatsoever! Although, he is very pleased when you do comment! 🙂
      I, on the other hand, thank you for commenting. The signs we see are a kind of guidance, and it’s up to us whether we follow it or not. If we’re meant to, the sign will be so totally unmissable that we can’t help but act upon it! We just need to be ‘open’! 😊


      1. ladysighs avatar

        All in fun. I posted something yesterday that you really did influence and I thank you for the opportunity. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom avatar

          I’m (yet again!) playing catch up, so I’ll check out your post shortly. I’m pleased I could offer assistance! 😀


  4. Eugi avatar

    Nice! I believe in messages. One just never knows…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Exactly. The Universe knows our path, Eugenia, even if we may not! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    Lets hope those new windows open shortly Tom… and lead us ALL in new directions of opportunities..
    Now are you creating a new Tarot Deck…?? Would make a great Card.. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      I’ve been thinking of creating my own Oracle deck for a while, Sue. I created one many, many years ago for an old forum I was a member of, and think it’s time for a new one. We’ll see! 🙂
      And here’s to those windows of opportunity for us all! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

        It’s the right time Tom, Go for it .. 💖

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom avatar

          OK, I will! 😁
          I’ll need a few months, though, and I’ll need to work on a theme, but they’ll appear here on the blog when done.
          Thanks for the nudge, Sue! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

            Its our Creative Time Tom….. I am taking a bit of blogging break too…. ENJOY and I will look forward to seeing them. ❤

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Tom avatar

              Enjoy your break, Sue. 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

  6. On the Rise | ladysighs avatar

    […] with a reference to Creedence Clearwater Revival. The other was whose post was about seeing a new window of opportunity opening before […]


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