March 2020: Health Update

As it’s abundantly clear that I’m not making a big song and dance over the fact that I’ve now surpassed the 3000 post mark here on Beyond the Sphere, I thought I’d give a quick health update. Nothing to do with the coronavirus or anything like that, I hasten to add; this is a Feel Good blog after all.

Long time visitors may remember in November 2019 I came down with Bell’s palsy, and lost all movement on the right-side of my face. And as I was recovering from that, I was hit by a car driven by a raving lunatic (and that is the last I’ll mention of that in this post!).

I’m pleased to say I now have full movement in all of my face once again. It wasn’t really paralysed for that long, being honest. I made sure I got myself plenty of rest, and took the prescribed steroid medication as prescribed. I was also given tablets to reduce my blood pressure, as on the day I was undergoing checks in hospital (they had to make sure I hadn’t had a stroke) my blood pressure was through the roof.

On the whole, I’m generally quite healthy. I get colds and hayfever and a strange itchy skin every now and again, but I can handle them, and otherwise I’m generally OK. I feel fine, and felt fine even with the facial paralysis. I am overweight, however, which can cause a few issues.

I was sent for a blood pressure 24 hour test shortly after getting the movement in my face back, and the clinician took my blood pressure before fitting me with the monitor. “That’s high!” she exclaimed. “Bloody high in fact!”. I could actually feel it rise even more at those words, as the clinician covered her mouth with a subdued “Oops.” She had to get somebody else into the room to take a manual reading, and give a second opinion, which was pretty much the same. My blood pressure then was 205 over 115.

If you aren’t sure what the numbers mean in a blood pressure reading, I’ll quickly give a brief explanation. The reading is actually two measurements, one of which is the highest pressure when the heart pushes blood out. This is the first number in the reading and is called the Systolic pressure. The second number in the reading is the Diastolic pressure, and this is the lowest pressure when the heart rests between beats. Both numbers are measuring the millimetres of mercury (mmHg). Ideal blood pressure readings are between 90/60 mmHg and 120/80 mmHg. 140/90 and over is considered high blood pressure.

Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, being overweight and not getting enough exercise all contribute to high blood pressure, as does consuming too much salt. I don’t smoke or drink, but I fitted comfortably in the last three categories. And at 205/115 mmHg it is safe to say my blood pressure was high in those readings.

It turns out my blood pressure was slightly higher than the ‘good’ range, but it was inflated as I have a condition called White Coat Syndrome, or White Coat Hypertension. What this means is that whenever I’m around a doctor, or clinician, or in that kind of environment, by blood pressure is phenomenally higher than what it really is. The 24 hour reading revealed that my blood pressure was 154/95.

My doctor told me to get more exercise, watch my food portion sizes and eat more healthily, cut down on salts and sugars, and try to get my blood pressure to 140/90 or below. He said I will feel a lot better without the need for taking medication for lowering blood pressure if I did this. This was in the first week in January.

Since then, I have heeded my doctors advice. I’ve drastically reduced the amount of salt I eat, as well as fats and sugars. I eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and make sure I exercise daily. I mainly do thirty minutes of running on the spot each morning, plus a few other stretching exercises in the evenings every other day.

This work, I’m pleased to say has definitely started to pay off. I still have quite a way to go, but I know I’ll get there. I’m enjoying what I eat (which I will admit slightly filled me with dread at the very beginning!)

When I first started this new regime, on 11th January 2020, I weighed 17 stone 12 pounds (250 pounds or 113.4 kilos). Today, March 7th, I’m 16 stone 4 pounds (228 pounds or 103.4 kilos). Which means I’ve currently lost 1 stone 8 pounds (22 pounds or 10 kilos). In writing the numbers don’t look much, but I measure my weight every morning and record the scores on the doors on a spreadsheet, and then convert it into a chart. I think it looks quite impressive:

I’ve hit a few plateaus along the way, and there have been quite a few ups and downs with the weight, but generally it is moving in a nice downwards direction.

So, that’s the end of this little, and most probably boring, health update. I’m still rotund, only not as rotund as I was, and my clothes are hanging off me just a tad. I’m not going to buy any thin clothes until I’ve reached the point where I want to reach. Right now, I’m not sure where that is yet, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself just yet.

I’m taking each day in turn. Enjoying my transformation. And still checking my blood pressure weekly. Ooh – my blood pressure today was 115/82. Which is classed as being in the ‘good’ range, but not ideal. The 115 is ideal, but I still need to work a little on the 82.

I am a work in progress.

We all are really. It’s life. But we can and do have control over our bodies if we focus and work a little harder.

And see… not one mention of my reaching 3000 posts on this blog. I’m not one to make a big song and dance out of such a thing.

21 responses to “March 2020: Health Update”

  1. Elaine avatar

    🙌🏼 This is brilliant news Tom, I am so pleased to read this, well done you 😘

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Elaine… I’m getting there!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Elaine avatar

        You certainly are 😺

        Liked by 1 person

  2. bcparkison avatar

    Yea! Keep up the good…Great…work .You will be doing this blog thing for a long time

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Beverly.
      That’s my intention!
      (Who groaned at the back there?)

      Liked by 1 person

  3. europasicewolf avatar

    That’s really inspirational Tom. You’ve certainly been in the wars but it’s great that you’re fighting back and things are looking up, and showing clearly what determination and motivation can do for you! You’re doing great👍😀 And those 3000 posts aren’t a bad achievement either!😉😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks again, Icewolf.
      It all passes the time, doesn’t it?! 😄


  4. anotherday2paradise avatar

    Way to go, Tom. So happy you are seeing good results. You could update us every month on your progress to motivate yourself. Good luck.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Sylvia.
      I’m planning on updating every two or three months – only because the changes are more apparent then. But, we shall see!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Violet Lentz avatar

    The numbers prove your weight and your blood pressure have gone down. This sampling of your words prove that your level of confidence, and the amount of pride you feel in your accomplishments have gone up in equal measure. It is in that that I take my real joy when reading this. Congratulations, Tom. On both counts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thank you, Violet. I am quite pleased with my progress so far!


  6. Chris Hall avatar

    Well done, Tom! Losing weight is hard, I know, having been on one kind of a diet or another for most of my adult life. I’m never going to be thin, let’s put it that way, but at least I seem to have stabilised and the curve is no longer rising. But you are doing so well!
    I share your White Coat Syndrome. Even the most benign of health checks sets my BP sky-rocketing. A complete mind over matter failure. Maybe it’s something to do with having a vivid imagination?
    Hang onto that thought and keep well Tom 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Chris. Yes, a vivid imagination is a perfect excuse for White Coat Syndrome!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. prenin avatar

    Hi Tom! 🙂 ❤

    Yes weight is a serious issue for me too.

    Currently I weigh just over 17Stone thanks to my medication and so I now have type 2 diabetes and another rough medication called Metformin which also messes with my system, the adjustment to the drug messing with my eyesight for nine weeks, but my blood sugar was ‘WAY too high! 😦 ❤

    Oh well: If I get the Corona Virus it’ll soon drop! 🙂 ❤

    Love, hugs and Blessed Be my fellow chubby!!! 😉 ❤


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      We do what we can to keep ourselves in shape, Prenin. Maybe not the correct shape, but it’s still a shape!


  8. Diane Henders avatar

    Wow, congratulations on your healthy progress! And I’m glad to hear your Bell’s Palsy is gone. Whew.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      That’s a relief in itself, Diane!


  9. Halim avatar

    I’m glad to read you’ve recovered from the Bell’s palsy episode. And that your blood pressure has gotten a lot better. Also, 10 kilos is seriously impressive! I would love to lose 10 kilos. I wish you all the best as you take more strides in your health journey. Cheers Tom!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Halim.
      It’s amazing what you can do when you have to, and set your mind to it.


  10. leegschrift avatar

    You are doing great. Slowly getting lighter is the best way. A little excercise, some fruit and vegetables. No salt and sugar. Very good.
    We can make a lot of blogs till 3000 and beyond, but you surely need a body also. Let’s never forget that.
    Good job. haha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Very true, L.
      Thanks for commenting.

      Liked by 1 person

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