Well, that was another week! April 26th 2019

Another week comes to a close, and another weekend is here! Always cause for celebration.

I’ve been off this week, and it has been absolutely fabulous! Pure bliss at times, I don’t mind saying. At certain times, I’d even say I’ve managed to master time itself, so slowly did it pass – and I mean that in a really good way (not in the way, how, at times, time just draaaaags by without an end in sight!) However, there were also times when time passed by at double, and quite possibly treble, normal speed. Time has to keep its own pace, no matter what we do to try to affect the flow of it.

It’s been Easter Week around these parts. Around other parts too, I’d be right in guessing. The week started with the scorching temperatures that we last saw in February. February. You couldn’t make it up. At this end of the week, it’s a little cooler, a lot wetter, and slightly more thundery. I don’t mind the weather really. It can do as it pleases, even when I’m off work. We can’t do anything about it.

Another thing we seemingly can’t do anything about is Brexit, which is back up in the air this week. Well, one can’t say it’s on the table as its everywhere but. I’m actually becoming bored of laughing at the nonsense now, and this is one thing I’d just wish that time could grab a hold of in one of its treble-speed spurts. “They’ve” ummed and ahhed about it for so long, “we” (most probably) “must” vote in the EU elections this year, which we wouldn’t have needed to had we left at the right time, instead of all the umming and ahhing. However, I’m not political. I’m British and I don’t care.

I read a headline in the news the other day. How it could be classed as ‘news’ is beyond me, more like more fearmongering, this time directed at the older generation. Apparently, some group somewhere or other thinks that all of the benefits that our pensioners receive should be scrapped, and the money instead given to the younger generation. Well, not that my voice matters, I say to the younger generation get out there and earn your money, and earn your benefits for when you are a pensioner yourself. I must admit that I didn’t read the story, the headline was enough, but it got me thinking about how the ‘media’ call ‘social media’ for being inappropriate, when they very often do the same thing. Mind you, they are trusted and unbiased, apparently.

On a more serious note, the bluebells are now all in full bloom around here. With the cloud cover causing the light to have a golden tinge to it, the bluebells are the most glorious lavender colour at present. Unfortunately, I haven’t taken any photos of them, as there are plenty of other bluebell photos dotted about the blog.

My keyboard went kaput yesterday. I was typing away at one of the parts to my latest Superhero Diaries storyline (Oh yes, they’re back. The story begins tomorrow (Saturday 27th February) – I used to love a good superhero show on a Saturday night on TV when I was younger, so must have some kind of superhero presence on the blog each year, and this year it’s going to be on a Saturday! For those of you who read last year’s Hallowe’en posts, this run is in the same format as that – I may return to the ‘snippets from the files’ format at a later date. Oops – I digress) and I got halfway through a word when nothing. I thought at first the battery had gone, but no… it was the keyboard. So now, I have a brand new keyboard, and with it a brand new hyper-sensitive mouse which sends the curser anywhere on screen – apart from where I need it to be. Trying to highlight something is a fun challenge in itself. But I do like a challenge.

Speaking of challenges, I mentioned last week that I am no longer participating in any blogging challenges and I will also no longer set any challenges myself. There are a few reasons that helped me to come to the decision, but who knows what may happen in the future? I may be back in the world of blogging challenges before we know it. In the meantime, I’d like to thank those who have set the challenges over the past few months and years that I’ve participated in.

So, thank you:







Subject to the mouse working correctly, the above should link to the respective blogs. If I have missed anyone from the list, please let me know and I can rectify the omission in a later post.

And finally, in the arts, I’d like you to have a look at the blogs of a few artist folk I follow, their creations are such a joy, and brought a smile to my face this week.

Susan Feniak, and ‘Henry’

Jill Kuhn’s Topiary Tales

Jodi’s Watercolor Blues

I will share more links to artists everywhere next week.

Have a fabulous weekend!

15 responses to “Well, that was another week! April 26th 2019”

  1. bcparkison avatar

    Thank you for sharing the artist links. enjoy the rest of the weekend…it will end way too soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Beverly. I’m clawing at time, holding it back. I think I’m winning… and then…!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Jodi avatar

    awwww thanks for sharing Tom!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hélène - Willow Poetry avatar
      Hélène – Willow Poetry

      You are so lucky to have bluebells in full bloom. We don’t have anything here yet. Winter has been far too long this year. Buds are just starting to out on trees. Thanks for sharing your week. Keyboards, what would we do without them.
      Have a good weekend Tom.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Tom avatar

        Not much longer now though, Hélène, our trees are now that gorgeous shade of green.
        And as for keyboards. Well… they’re everywhere now, aren’t they? 😉

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Tom avatar

      No worries, Jodi.


  3. Jill Kuhn avatar

    I’m so glad I could give you a smile! 😃 I enjoyed your comments on my weird bird! Thanks for playing along… always so fun to make up a little nonsense to get one through the week! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Jill, I love nonsense! I thrive on it!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. -Eugenia avatar

    Thanks for the mention and for sharing the artist’s links! Have a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      No worries, Eugenia. You too.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Diane Henders avatar

    Good luck with your new keyboard and frisky mouse! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Diane. I’ve tamed the mouse – for some reason the settings had it set to warp speed 9. It’s now under control. And the keyboard has been wonderful, so far! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  6. prenin avatar

    I know what you mean about hardware dying on you, but I have a back-up USB mouse and Keyboard in case anything gives up the ghost. 🙂 ❤

    Being a programmer you learn about being prepared!!! 🙂 ❤

    Blessed Be!!!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Luckily I was prepared this time as well, Prenin! 😀


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