Nature’s Struggle

Through rusty metal
And discarded bits and bobs
Nature finds her way

7 responses to “Nature’s Struggle”

  1. bcparkison avatar

    Like a tree growing through the sidewalk.


  2. inaloveworld avatar

    Nature always finds its way. We can learn from nature. Thank you for sharing those true lines and the picture!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. prenin avatar

    The stupidity of people simply throwing junk away instead of recycling it leaves our world a poorer place! 😡

    Good picture Tom! 🙂



  4. Soul Gifts avatar
    Soul Gifts

    Nature is quietly persistent and will find a way – most of the time.


  5. -Eugenia avatar

    A sad state of affairs when mom nature has to struggle to find her way. Perhaps, the reason for her moodiness. Nice piece, Tom.


  6. Sharon Mann avatar

    So true, “nothing” can stop our seasonal changes.


  7. thecobweboriumemporium avatar

    Nature always has found a way . . . but we humans seem to be on a mission to kill Nature with our ignorant, selfish dumping of all that we consider ‘rubbish’, and nature is now losing the battle and I fear for the future of our planet.


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