Blog Party Invitation


Remember in a recent post when I promised that an announcement will soon be made? Well, this isn’t it, but it’s on its way. Hehehe!

This post, however, is a quick and cheeky party invitation to my Blog Party on Friday 25th November 2016. The party will run from 00:00 UK time up until 23:59, so for 24 hours, give or take a minute or two. Plenty of time to get involved.

The theme?

Well, I wonder.

Let’s just PARTY LIKE IT’S 1999, shall we?

I’m grateful for each and every visitor I receive, and always welcome new ones. Every now and then these parties are great for everyone to mingle a little more.

All you need to do to attend is comment, reply to other comments or even comment amongst yourselves (I may not be here for the full 24 hours, you see…!), visit other commenter’s blogs if you so desire, or ‘bring’ with you any of the following items related to 1999:

  • 1999 music – pop on a quick link to a music video if you so wish
  • 1999 food – a quick and easy recipe idea so we can all make something quick and tasty whilst we’re at the virtual party
  • 1999 tale – a quick and comical anecdote from 1999; or perhaps a 1999 joke (there has to be one!)
  • 1999 art – perhaps you have a piece of art related to 1999 you’d like to share – or create, even!
  • 1999 poetry – someone must have a poem related to 1999, surely!
  • 1999 – anything. And if you don’t have anything 1999 related, don’t worry – pop along anyway.
  • Bring a friend – if you think a friend from another blog you follow may be interested in calling by the Mansion – mention the party to them so they can call by and say Hi, if they so wish (and recommending one of their favourite posts on their blog is an easy way to introduce themselves). I shall be switching off the comment moderation thingy for the party, so the door will be open, so comment, Comment, COMMENT! I will reply (I promise – and I shall be catching up with all of the other comments very shortly as well… I’m nothing if not busy these days!)


The time – anytime on Friday UK time – times may vary depending on your own particular time zone. I’d love to see each time zone represented, if possible, although that may be asking too much!

The place – right here at the Mansion – possibly in the Orangery

The shape – certainly not square – we’re in a sphere don’t forget!!!

See you on Friday.

10 responses to “Blog Party Invitation”

  1. CMStewart avatar

    A Black Friday 1999 party? I am So There. XD Thanks, Tom!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Yay! It simply has to be done!
      Thanks, CM! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. aFrankAngle avatar

    Bummer that I have to miss it due to full-day obligations. Gotta love a good blog party! My best wishes to the attendees.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      No worries, Frank, and thank you.
      I’m sure there will be another one sometime in the future!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Mother Willow avatar
    Mother Willow

    I do have to check my time zone to yours. What a great idea. Have fun. If I can join in depending on my care giving here at home ,I sure will drop in.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      It would be lovely to see you, Hélène, but no worries if it isn’t possible. I won’t actually be here for the 24 hours myself! 😉 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. anitashree avatar

    I am so not going to be late or miss this party! Wheeeeee!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Shree. Look forward to seeing you there / here!!! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  5. anitashree avatar

    Has the party started yet????

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      It has, Shree… although it has more of an ‘elite gathering’ feel to it! 😀


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