And they say romance is dead

Old Mal creaked and groaned as he leant forward in his dusty old chair. He was bent completely double with his arm out-stretched as far as he could, but he still couldn’t reach it.

He muttered something inaudible.

“What’s that you say?” Ornelle, his wife, glanced up and over at him from her dusty chair. “Oh – what are you doing? Let me help you.”

She dragged herself up out of the chair and across the candle-lit room. She first pulled up and straightened out Old Mal. Then, she picked up his hand from the floor, which was still clutching a single wilted rose. If it wasn’t bits of him falling off, it was bits of her. It was something they were both used to after becoming undead several and then some years before.

“I wanted to surprise you.” Old Mal said, sheepishly.

“After five hundred years of you doing the same thing,” Ornelle reattached Mal’s hand, “You’d think you’d know by now that I don’t like roses.”


It’s February 1st. White Rabbits!
And this is my post for my new Monthly theme.  I’m starting early.

10 responses to “And they say romance is dead”

  1. prenin avatar

    Good one Tom – STILL grinning!!! 🙂

    God Bless!


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Prenin.


  2. Visionkeeper avatar

    It appears TL’s imagination is in full swing as February begins :)The countdown to Valentines. Most clever my friend. I do wonder where the mansion takes you every night in your sleep? It is showing up in your writing :)Way out of the box thinking. A true jet setter! Have a good week and stay peaceful and GROUNDED…VK

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, VK, my imagination does tend to run away with me at times… it must be the Mansion’s doing, as you say!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Diane Henders avatar

    ‘Romance is dead’ – bahahaha!!! Very clever, Tom!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Hehehe! Thanks, Diane.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    Smiling here dear Tom.. And agree with VK.. as Valentines is on its way. 🙂 lol.. Have a super week

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom Merriman avatar

      Thanks, Sue. You have a good week also!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. …And They Say Romance Is Dead… | Diane Henders avatar

    […] was thinking of doing a bit of flash fiction, but Tom has already set the bar too high with his first post of the month. Plus I’m completely immersed in the final push to finish the draft of Book 11 this week, so […]


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