Mona Thomasina Rehashed

Thomasina, my Inner Woman, wanted her portrait painting the other day, so I had no choice but to oblige. In honour of Thomasina, my Inner Woman, being the kind of classic person everyone aspires to be like, the classics were the only place to go.

Everyone has heard of the Mona Lisa, the enigmatic and charming painting created centuries ago by Leonardo da Caprio, yes? Well, I present my version of that very painting, the Mona Thomasina.

Just like the original, she’s sat on a wooden chair on a bridge or terrace overlooking a jagged mountainous terrain, and you can’t tell if she’s smiling or not. With Thomasina, nobody ever can tell if she’s smiling or not, so she is the perfect model for this reconstruction.

Unlike the original, the chair is completely different, and Thomasina just wouldn’t get into the correct pose for love nor money. Mona Lisa’s clothes were far too old-fashioned and motheaten for a modern classic, so Thomasina argued, and she decided on this get up instead. And the mountains in the background are in a different place completely.

But still the resemblance is there, particularly if one squints, and tries to look through the painting as though one is trying to decipher a magic eye picture  just after they first came out in 1991; only with this thing it looks slightly better when blurred.

And before anyone writes in and complains, of course I know that it wasn’t Leonardo da Caprio who painted the Mona Lisa. It was Vinci. Vinci da Caprio. I do knows me art y’know. Mostly.

(Originally posted on 5th May 2019 both here on Beyond the Sphere and over on Splodge and Splatter)

4 responses to “Mona Thomasina Rehashed”

  1. Chris Hall avatar

    I look better slightly blurred too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Maybe that’s why our eyesight changes as we get older… so things look better 🤔😊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. prenin avatar

    Maybe through a beer glass! 🙂 ❤

    Blessed Be my friend!!! 🙂 ❤


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Very true, Prenin.

      Liked by 1 person

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