The Larder

The issue isn’t so much the charred surfaces (they can easily be cleaned up with a sprinkling of Vim and a bit of elbow grease, or, as an alternative, page four of the Wizard’s Pocket-sized Handbook from 1984) but the puddles of water and watermarks around the kitchen, and the clumps of baking soda splattered around the place. They too aren’t as bad as they could have been, all things considered, but there’s no way they could be left as is… this is a kitchen, after all.

Time passes quickly when writing, and as the Handbook dealt with the charred bits, the team (plus me in my role as special guest star) mopped, brushed, cleaned, polished, stacked and sterilised in quick time, remembering many hands make light work, yet totally forgetting about the refurbishment Chris was organising… although, in all fairness, if we hadn’t worked as hard as we had, we’d have noticed that Chris wasn’t with us, and if she had been, we wouldn’t have needed to have worked as hard as we had as she’d have reminded us about the refurb. Still, it’s done now… a nice clean kitchen ready for a nice new one.

Denise takes me to the corner, mentioning the spooky old larder there as we walk over to it, but I’m taken aback when she asks me β€œWhere is it?”

I can see it clearly – dust and cobweb covered old-style lettering on the heavy wooden door, L A R D E R, but Denise tells me all she can see is the white tiles where the two walls meet – it’s almost as though we are in two separate places at the same time; that’s the thing with the SSC&B – where realities collide – the edge of one overlaps with the side of another, and things are open to more than just interpretation.

Posted for Six Sentence Stories, where the prompt word this week is β€˜Edge’.

32 responses to “The Larder”

  1. Chris Hall avatar

    Oops, you caught me skiving off the hard work, Tom. But as you know, I’d rather be writing and I’m pretty sure I can make out where the larder is (supposed to be).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      I don’t think any of us thought you were skiving, Chris, it’s just none of us thought/realised you were dealing with the refurb at that time…! And if you can work out where the larder should be, you’re a good ‘un – it’s totally baffling me! πŸ˜€

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Chris Hall avatar

        Created with a stroke of a pen…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom avatar

          … not the click of a keyboard?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Chris Hall avatar

            Weeell, yes, but somehow it doesn’t sound so good… πŸ™‚

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Tom avatar

              πŸ™‚ modern times now…!

              Liked by 1 person

  2. Spira avatar

    Yeap, you delivered once again- no doubt about that!

    To Chris’s defense, she was a bit upset by the result of the Champions League final…so, we can give her a break.. as long as she does the paperwork for the refurb.

    I have already arranged for a crew this Monday morning, to install a ceiling sprinkler system.
    And don’t worry about any residues from the crew’s work…I will stay after closing and bring it in tip-top condition…
    Besides, I can use the exercise…ya know!
    Being temporarily dead left me a nasty cramp on my right thigh…😎

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Nick… good to see the kitchen is coming along nicely, and everything is as it should be.
      Yes, gentle exercise should work wonders on the cramp.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Chris Hall avatar

      You went on the FPA course as well? (I check the spec) All other paperwork in order and thanks for the understanding. Wearing black not red for the rest of the week: two counts for mourning.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Spira avatar

        HIt seems that the crew was better than the road works that just butchered the cables for my phone/internet🀬

        What’s the second count?

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Chris Hall avatar

          The Gatekeeper’s demise, resurrection and apparent sudden disappearance (or was that just in my head). Somehow I had an idea you’d washed up in Whitby…
          (sorry for the thread highjack, Tom)

          Liked by 3 people

          1. Spira avatar

            No, it was not and thank you for the mourning.
            But, the Epilogue brings me back at the CafΓ¨ when you are wondering about the reporter and my absence. No death of the Gatekeeper has occured now and we move along with our stories and adventures…Nolan to blame!

            Tom, million apologies for the hijack.

            Liked by 3 people

            1. Tom avatar

              No worries, Nick!

              Liked by 1 person

          2. Tom avatar

            I need to go to Whitby… maybe this year!
            No problem, Chris.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Chris Hall avatar

              Get out your Goth gear, Tom! (how Whitby has changed)

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Tom avatar

                It’s the Goth Weekend I want to go to, Chris… it’s calling me…!


          3. clark avatar

            well, it occurs to me
            (Ayyiee!! writers, fictional characters, innuendae(plot-transitive faerie like creatures) and Readers staring in dismay at the un-locked door to the Commentarium)


            Liked by 2 people

            1. Tom avatar

              Things are always open around here, Clark.It can get very interesting in that doorway.


  3. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

    You certainly take us to the Edge dear Tom in all you write.. WOW… remember the Vim days too …. πŸ™‚ Maybe the Larder, just got scrubbed too clean when you used Vanish!… πŸ™‚ ❀ πŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      That’s probably it, Sue! πŸ™‚
      Although I had a patterned shirt once, which I’d spilt ketchup down the front… not wanting it to stain, I used a dab of Vanish and gently rubbed. The ketchup remained, but the pattern was removed nicely from the patch! πŸ™„πŸ€£
      That actually adds more power to the explanation of the missing Larder! πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sue Dreamwalker avatar

        Chuckling here Tom…. LOL.. πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Frank Hubeny avatar

    I like the thought of realities colliding resulting in “more than just interpretation”.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, Frank… that shows that absolutely anything is possible! πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  5. UP avatar


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      Thanks, UP. Apologies for the delay in the reply… your comment was in my Spam folder! πŸ™„πŸ™‚


  6. clark avatar

    Good work in the scullery, Tom

    I share your pleasure in both Nick’s return and, in the way of most of us who are comfortable in a realities loosely restrained, the art of (his) departing (temporarily). Both are manifestations of the cool thing about this ‘fictional’ ‘reality’ (am ‘I’ overdoing the ‘quotes’ schtick’)
    Glad you’re comfortable here/there at the Six Sentence CafΓ© and Bistro

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      The Bistro is open to any eventuality, Clark, and I’m comfortable with that! I love the fluidity of reality.


  7. messymimi's meanderings avatar

    It’s best we’re starting with a clean slate anyway. Have you ever tried to paint over dirt?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      I thought everything was being ripped out, Mimi. I get what you’re saying though… I have trouble painting over paint!


  8. europasicewolf avatar

    But Tom, you didn’t tell us what was IN the larder!! This is very important! Although I suppose, on reflection, being a spooky old larder the contents might have left something to be desired….but even so! Me wanna know what was in spooky old larder! If you opened the door…maybe Chris could see it πŸ˜‰It may have altered the fabric of reality if you did so, allowing insight to the blind!!! πŸ˜‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom avatar

      I did mention what was in the larder in this post, Icewolf … and the fabric of reality was altered slightly…


  9. Unfree Will – The Mansionic Perspective avatar

    […] Another retrospective Six Word Story featuring the Co-ordination of Supervillains. Well, it’s love month… why not? The prompt word used this time is β€˜edge’, which was originally slotted into this post. […]


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